Humble beginnings

When Science Matters was founded in 2012, we were a small team of two people working out of an apartment. Since then, the growth that our organization has achieved has been nothing short of astonishing.

Science Matters began as a small project I worked on in college. Unsure of where to take it, I spoke with a close colleague of mine. He was sold as soon as I finished the pitch.

Over the next several months, we worked to create a platform of core values. From there, we teamed up with our IT team to handle marketing, and we have been growing ever since.

Year Members
2012 2
2013 4
2014 5
2015 10
2016 20
2017 ?

Constantly growing

From our humble beginnings, we have always sought to have an impact. Those who promote ignorance aren't dwindling, and neither can we!

Although we had a slow start, Science Matters grew explosively in 2015 when we merged with another non-profit. In 2016, we doubled our numbers again when we went through a major restructuring.

Moving forward

Expansion is part of our mission, and we promise to do our best to keep growing. Our work is simply too important to do otherwise.

If you feel the same way about science that we do, why not take a minute to donate or sign up for volunteering? Our work wouldn't be possible without people like you.