The scientific method

Despite being thought of as a single concept, science is really two separate ideas: the scientific method and the fruits of science. The scientific method is a process for discovering new truths about the universe. In essense, it operates as follows:

  1. Make an observation
  2. Form a hypothesis
  3. Test the hypothesis
  4. Draw a conclusion
  5. Refine the hypothesis and go to step 3

Note the loop present. In science, it is important that experimental results are repeatable.

The fruits of science

The second component of science is composed of the things that the scientific method produces. Primarily, these are scientific theories and new technologies. When most people think of science, microscopes and beakers often come to mind, and these things represent the fruits of science, not the scientific method.

Why does this distinction matter? While we practice science in order to develop new knowledge and new technologies, we would not be able to do without science's guiding principles. It's not the technology or the knowledge that matters; it's how you use it.

Where to next?

An important step was omitted from the description of the scientific method above: publish your results. Over the past several centuries, science has grown tremendously by building upon the work of others. If you discover something, don't be quiet about it! Your observations could shape mankind for centuries to come.

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